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Hawaii Immigration Attorneys Counsel on Citizenship

The status of citizen of the United States is coveted throughout the world. The right to live freely within the most prosperous nation on Earth and to help relatives to immigrate here as well is a cherished opportunity afforded to very few who desire it. At Hirota & Associates, our immigration attorneys understand how fervently our clients long to live the American dream. We help lawful U.S. residents complete the requirements to become full citizens of the United States.

Honolulu attorneys assist with automatic derivation of US citizenship

The U.S. Constitution sets the requirement that any person serving as President or Vice-President of the United States must be a “natural-born citizen,” but does not define the term. The 14th Amendment declares, “All persons born…in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens….” But is “born in the United States” the complete definition of “natural-born”? Not according to Title 8 U.S. Code § 1401, which lists several circumstances under which children born outside the United States are nevertheless “citizens of the United States at birth.” Each of these conditions creates an opportunity for a person to establish birthright citizenship, provided the circumstances can be documented precisely. The law has changed over time and depends on the law in effect at the time of one’s birth. Our attorneys can assist in gathering the crucial facts to make a compelling case for automatic derivation of U.S. citizenship.

Honolulu immigration lawyers assists with naturalization

A lawfully-admitted permanent U.S. resident can apply for citizenship through the naturalization process starting at age 18, provided other conditions are met. We can assist you in preparing your application and holding your hand through the naturalization process.

The question of good moral character in naturalization cases

In order to be considered for citizenship, a permanent resident must demonstrate “good moral character.” While this does not require a showing of extraordinary virtue, it is a heavily-weighted factor, and even a minor brush with the law can be a major impediment. We understand how the USCIS interprets “good moral character” and can present your story in the best possible light. With Hirota & Associates supporting your citizenship application, you know you have a reliable legal team behind you.

Contact diligent and dependable US citizenship application attorneys in Hawaii

To schedule a consultation with Hirota & Associates in our Honolulu office, call us at 808-587-9600 or contact us online.