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Parole Will Be Available to U Visa Petitioners and Family Members Who Reside Abroad

Following a recommendation from its ombudsman, USCIS will be implementing a parole policy for U visa petitioners (victims of crimes who have assisted police and prosecutors) and qualifying family members who live abroad. Because the number of available U visas is capped at 10,000 per year, the U visa has accumulated a long waiting list for petitioners. Those within the United States have been allowed to remain until a U visa becomes available, but individuals who have applied for the U visa from beyond our borders sometimes have to wait years before they are issued the visa and can enter the U.S. As a result, victims of crimes residing abroad are not able to easily aid investigators and prosecutors. USCIS has announced that they will develop a policy, scheduled for completion in FY2017, that allows for concurrent filings of U visa petitions and a request for parole.