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News in Brief

The following additional items may be of interest to our readers:

Extension of Sudan and South Sudan TPS to 11/2/2017: DHS has extended Sudan’s and South Sudan’s designation for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for an additional 18 months. The extended designation is effective 5/3/2016 through 11/2/2017.

TPS Registration for Yemen Open Until 3/3/2016: The deadline to register for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemen is 3/3/2016. USCIS has been accepting applications for TPS Yemen since 9/3/2015, when DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson designated Yemen for TPS for 18 months.

Groups Request TPS for El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras: On January, over 270 civil rights, labor rights, immigrant, human rights, and humanitarian organizations sent a letter to President Obama asking his administration to grant Temporary Protection Status (TPS) to immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras because of the dramatically escalating violence that has precipitated the humanitarian crisis of refugees fleeing the Northern Triangle countries.

Researchers Find that Immigrants Wait on Average 22 Months to Have Their Day in Immigration Court: As of the end of January 2016, cases in U.S. immigration courts have been open for an average of 667 days, a new high, up 3.7 percent from the end of FY2015, and 17.6 percent longer than at the end of FY2014. For some immigrants, delays can mean buying time before their eventual deportation; for others, it means they have to wait for remedies that may be available to them.

Pennsylvania Revokes License to Berks County Family Detention Facility: The Pennsylvania Department of Human Service informed DHS that it would not renew and would revoke the operating license for the Berks County Residential Facility, the immigration detention center that jails mothers and children in Leesport, PA, because it was not operating as a child-only residential facility, as required under the Human Services Code or the departments regulations.